Welcome to Barry's Blog
You've perhaps seen my website, heard the songs I've sang, watched the videos I've posted online, and listened to my Talkshow podcasts, so now I'm creating a BLOG for all to enjoy! Seriously, the reason I have tapped into all these forms of media is to stay in-touch with my friends and family and to keep anyone who wants to read, listen, watch...informed about things I've done, things I'd like to do, and with this blog, basically put into words what is spining around in this head of mine. I've included a recent picture of my family. I hope you enjoy the ride!
Oh boy. I just read that about 85% of blogs hardly ever get read, and even fewer actually get posts on them. Barry, I hope your blog starts to pick up more traffic or this is going to be pretty boring just talking to myself. Who knows, maybe I'm talking to myself now and I'm the only one seeing this?
How about some interaction here, people. You guys are disappointing me with how boring you are. Are you all wallflowers? Surely there must be someone here who isn't too shy to say something?
Mr. Jenkins, AKA Larry, As the author of this blog, I don't think that a lot of people know about this site yet. I have tried to direct people here using my website and emails, but for some reason, my blogs are not saucy enough or something. The majority of people out there (on my list) are not huge readers, or my personal life is not that interesting to warrant spending five or ten minutes reading what I have to say. Unlike you, who I know is a huge reader, people are just caught up with their own lives and don't give a rip about what someone like me has to say or write. Even my own Dad doesn't read everything I write....being retired I would think he would be hanging on my every word and want to get into my head, so-to-speak, but I guess that's not the case. I have even tried to write controversial bits about politics or global warming...only when I hit a hot button will people respond, but for the most part....I just don't think people care to take the time to read.
Maybe people don't yet realize how cool blogs are. I'll have to admit that up until a few months ago I thought they were dorky, stupid, and the domain of nothing but odd misfits of society. But if you find a cool one they can be fun and educational.
Ok, I'll jump right in and talk about the controversial subject of global warming. Of course, some would say that even calling it "controversial" is a misnomer because "everyone knows global warming is for real." But the truth is that not everyone is convinced it's real. Check this out:
"The so-called scientific consensus that global warming is man-made has been shattered with the release of a major new study backed by three universities which concludes that climate change over the past thirty years is explained by natural factors and that attempts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions are irrelevant.
Climate scientists at the University of Rochester, the University of Alabama, and the University of Virginia report that temperature fluctuations over the past three decades are not consistent with greenhouse model predictions and more closely correlate with solar activity.
The report dismisses attempts to reverse global warming by reducing carbon emissions as ineffective and pointless."
My opinion is that global warming is by and large false and is simply a tool used to exhort more worldwide governmental control. It's not that global warming in and of itself is a serious issue. Rather, it's the means to an end: global taxes, more global governance, etc. The issue of global warming was just the best issue "they" thought would enable this.
Larry, I covered Global Warming on my talk show podcast....you haven't heard it yet? You can listen to my GW show here: http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/audioPop.jsp?episodeId=46891&cmd=apop
I tried to access that, but I couldn't make it work. Do you have to sign up for that website?
Ok, let's merge this thread with your thread about cars. I'm on record as saying that I think global warming is a hoax and is simply being used as a tool to gain more global governmental control.
But I do have an interest in E85 and mixed-fuel cars. Supposedly you can make ethanol out of so many products other than corn that no country could develop a monopoly on it. You can make it out of corn, sugar cane, garbage, etc.
By the way, I think "peak oil" is another fraud. There is probably plenty of oil left in the world, but there are so many limits and regulations put on it that we have our hands tied. But whether or not "peak oil" is a myth or not it probably doesn't matter because the government won't let us develop the many, many oil sources that could provide us with greater energy independence.
Check out this website:
Larry, You can go to this page on my Barrysadventures website: http://www.vmanetconcepts.com/barrysadventures/id140.html and then listen to all my talkshows. You might like my show about Global Warming. I think there is definitely pollution out there that is certainly man-made, but the concept that man is causing the Earth to warm and that by reverting back to living in caves could possibly help the Earth to recover from man's terrible damage to the climate is absolutely a hoax. The hoax is to convince the masses that we're all going to die of Global Climate change unless the socialist government comes in to save the day. Listen to my global warming talkshow and let me know what you think. Regarding energy, why is it with all our great technology that we cannot build a pipline that passes just below the Earth's crust and tap into the nearly unlimited thermal energy within the Earth?
Good points about the socialist government. This was about the only issue that could unite the entire world. Again, global warming is simply a tool. The end goal is NOT to end global warming. The hidden agenda is to get a worldwide socialist government and global warming just happens to be the best propoganda tool "they" could come up with to put this plan in place.
"Regarding energy, why is it with all our great technology that we cannot build a pipline that passes just below the Earth's crust and tap into the nearly unlimited thermal energy within the Earth?"
Great question. Here's where I might confuse some people. No, I'm not Democratic and I'm not an environmentalist who worships our mother, the Earth. I believe in free markets. But, pragmatically speaking, I wonder if the oil industry hasn't been up to some dubious activities down through the years. They are so rich and powerful and full of money that they can buy anyone they want. My suspicions are that they themselves have bought politicians and have done all they can to sway other forms of energy from being developed. Did you know that some people think the oil industry has secrety funded the wacko environmentalists? (I don't have proof of this, but some legitimate people think this is the case.) The environmentalists have pushed so hard for regulations that it's very, very difficult to build an oil refinery in this country. And of course, this limits the supply of oil and therefore makes oil companies richer by keeping the price of oil higher than it needs to be. Some have also said that the oil companies are the ones behind the campaign to sully E85 and make it appear as if it's a foolish option. Have you heard that it takes 2 gallons of fuel to make 1 gallon of E85 (or something like that)? Maybe a scientist can help us out here. I don't know what to think. Supposedly that is false and E85 is economical and actually can be made from a multitude of sources other than corn, but it's the oil companies that are trying as best as they can to stop it.
We're treating this blogging space as a message board almost...I guess that's ok. One day, people WILL read this as my blog becomes more popular. I'm not a big fan of E85. I accidentally put some in my BMW and my car ran very rough, cause it wasn't made to process that stuff. I also have a problem with how the massive use of corn has dramatically effected our food economy. Tortillas, milk, and many other products are now more expensive because there isn't as much corn to go around...it's all being used to make fuel. The little bit of savings you get by using E85 isn't worth the inflated prices of other products now. RE; your conspiracy theory about Big Oil companies....I don't know. I am also wondering if these people that say they can run a combustion engine on water are kooks.
You'll have to tell some of your non-shy friends about this place so we get some more action.
I have heard for years that oil companies have funded the environmentalists. Again, I have no proof of this, but it does make sense. If the environmentalists can pressure Congress to stop new refineries from being built and from new oil fields being drilled, all that will do is limit the supply of oil and cause it to be more expensive than it really needs to be. Therefore, the oil industry makes a ton more money from the resultant higher oil prices. It's a pretty ingenious, although crafty, strategy.
Heheh (or LOL), I see you doubt my conspiracy theories when you mention engines running on water. Make fun if you wish, but there could be some truth to these things. :)
I'm new to this whole E85 thing and had pretty much written it off as being bogus and not a real answer to the energy issue. I too had thought that corn was the only thing you can make it from and that it takes 2 gallons of fuel to make 1 gallon of E85. It's too early for me to jump on the bandwagon quite yet, but I'm starting to wonder if some of these roadblocks aren't just fabrications made to block E85. Supposedly, E85 can be made from a whole host of organic materials, and even garbage, and it's just false information that only corn has to be used. This idea that it takes 2 gallons of regular fuel to make 1 gallon of E85 is another falsity, supposedly. And I think I read the other day that Warren Buffett basically said E85 is stupid. Like I said, I haven't jumped on the E85 wagon yet, but I'm more willing to check it out than I used to be.
I'm not making fun of you and your conspiracy theories. I have even talked with a couple of people that are absolutely convinced they could actually build an engine for a car that can run on water. In fact they approached me about building or reconfiguring a cruise ship's engines to be fueled with water. I still have no idea how they physically intend to create some sort of combustion with water????
Now that seems just goofy. They must have been talking about drawing out the properties of H2O and trying to derive some kind of energy in another form other than combustion. Perhaps that is possible. I have no idea.
That reminds me of the old conspiracy theory that goes something like, "If we can put a man on the moon and create artificial hearts, we should be able to make cars that get 70 mpg." And of course, the conspiracy goes that anytime someone comes close to doing this they suddenly disappear or their lab burns down, or something like that. I've never taken the time to explore those things because it always seemed sort of silly.
Larry, I'm actually doing a LIVE podcast at 3:30 in a few minutes from now, here's a link to listen in: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/46374
Wow, that sounds cool. I wish I could check that out. Unfortunately I won't be able to access that until later today so I can't hear it live.
Are you going to invite people to call in?
Barry, I was going to add this to the car thread because it deals with transportation, but I decided not to because it doesn't directly deal with the topic.
Have I ever told you a secret fantasy I've always had (in regards to transportation)? I've always wanted to hop a train like a hobo. Have you ever done that? In the 30's hundreds or thousands of men did that, but you don't hear much about it anymore.
Larry, You have indeed told me about your fantasy to hop on a train as a hobo. Seems to me it would be very cold and lonely on that train car...wouldn't you have to have a general knowledge of where the train is going? You should take a week off from work, and jump on a train and see where it takes you. Go for it.
I think you are correct. You'd want to make sure you have a couple of days off so you don't miss work since you have no clue where you'd be going and what the "schedule" is.
Back to global warming. Have you seen this article? It made the news, but I'm sure most of the media tried to hide this story and cover it as little as possible because it goes against their agenda. It's a fascinating story. Hopefully I can link to it. The last time I tried to post a website on here it messed it up. To give a basic synopsis, the story is that the FOUNDER of the Weather Channel himself even thinks global warming is a hoax.
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