Wednesday, December 1, 2010

God's Seedling about to Blossom

Know thy self, this phrase has been on my mind for many years. I know most people are not like me, but I could be wrong, when I suggest that I know who I am, I feel I have an intelligent understanding of my place in the world, and I have experienced self awareness that perhaps few people share. It’s somewhat of a philosophical exercise, and I’ll add that it really helps to also have a fine-tuned sense of faith and knowledge of Biblical principles. As I tried to lull myself to sleep one night recently, I pondered again who I, Barry Vaudrin, am in the Universe of time and space. Of course I went through the usual thoughts that I am unique and no one else yesterday, today or tomorrow will ever be exactly me. Then to examine how ridiculously eternal time is and has been, puts my 47-year wisp on the timeline of history in perspective. All that I am, all that I have ever experienced, all that I have done is barely a dent in the history of the World, and to think there are billions of people out there past and present, who ask or have asked the question, who am I, where did I come from, why am I here, etc. It’s hard for my little pea brain to comprehend one Billion, much less the billions of people who inhabit the Earth today and even those who are no longer alive but had once been here one hundred years ago, a thousand years ago and beyond. From a Christian viewpoint, it boggles the mind that each individual who ever was and who is today, as well as those who are yet to be conceived are passionately, personally, and intimately crafted and loved by God.

Metaphysically speaking, the Billions who once lived on Earth and those who are alive today were designed by God to exist forever, which leads me to ask where is forever? Where is eternal? Think about this….everyone who has ever existed, exists today and tomorrow…every single individual from the beginning of time to now, their journey continues and will continue with no end. As I attempt, with my pea brain, to comprehend my eternal existence, a thought came to mind, that since we are all here alive on Earth, relatively speaking, for such a short span of time, whether a person is a few hours old to over one hundred years old, that is a very short moment in the grand expanse of eternity, leading me to think that we are but seedlings when we are here on Earth.

As a “seedling” I think everyone desires to be germinated, however; speaking now from my Biblical and faith-based worldview, each individual today has the power within himself or herself to become germinated. You see, a seed can only begin to grow and sprout if it has been germinated. c.s. Lewis once said, “Think of yourself as a seed patiently wintering in the earth, waiting to come up a flower.” I guess my thoughts are not original. Of course there is also the parable of the “seeds” that Jesus told in Matthew 13:18-23 where a seed is strewn upon several different places like the wayside, the stony place, among thorns, and finally on good ground. The seed on good ground sprouts, grows roots and is fruitful. That’s where most everyone desires to be I think…on good ground, developing roots and have a fruitful, purposeful nature. My premise, however, is that sadly, many seedlings do not become germinated out of choice. I believe that when an individual allows Jesus to inhabit their heart, that is the moment of germination when the seedling is given the means and the go ahead to sprout. Like on thorny ground, those who choose not to align themselves with God through Jesus, will not be germinated and continue through the eternal expanse of endless time unable to sprout. When someone dies, their spirit continues on for eternity, and if they were not germinated, and they do not align themselves with Jesus, they will forever be incapable of germination, and never be able to experience the fullness and joy of sprouting…they will forever remain a seed and cast into eternity separated from God. That is profoundly sad that so many choose this path.

Now back to the fulfillment and joy of being a germinated seedling ready to sprout and become in full-measure all that God intended. Wow, if we are but seedlings our entire life here on earth, and only begin to sprout and grow after we have transitioned into our heavenly bodies, our pea brains cannot comprehend the fantastic existence we will have through eternity. To grow out of the seedling state and blossom into all that God created us for is unimaginable. Who am I? I am a seedling that has been germinated and I can’t wait to blossom into all that God has designed and created me to become.

To begin that process to sprout and blossom into what God has designed for each of us is intriguing. I think as we are here on earth in this “training and infancy” stage of our existence, there is a motivational message contained in this seedling concept. Who do you ultimately want to become? If we are merely in our infancy stage of development, even at the relatively old age of 100 years, then what elements of our inner nature do we bring with us when we physically die in this world? From a Biblical worldview, we are here to please God, we are here for Him, He planted us as seeds here in this place. It’s been said that it’s not about you, or me it’s entirely about God and who He is. I believe that, and I choose to align myself with the one who planted me here. What are your dreams and aspirations? Are they noble aspirations? Have you looked at your inner man or woman? Have you come to realize who you are and ultimately what direction are you going? Have you experienced this germination process and know without a doubt where you will go when you die? Biblically speaking, there is a very narrow road to God, and if you’re not on that road or you’re not sure, then you really need to take a hard look at the decisions you make in this life before it’s too late. Don’t take my word for it….Here’s what Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6) Are you connected to God or do you just say you are? Jesus commands us to gather with other believers (go to church regularly) are you heeding this command from our “real” Commander in Chief? The divine command is from Hebrews 10:24-25, “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much more as you see the Day approaching.” If your desire is to go it alone and not participate, then I beg you to take a hard look and consider your eternity. You see, biblically speaking, for those of us who have committed our lives to God, we’ve been germinated, we have gone through Jesus and invited Him to take residence in our hearts, we have been given assurance that all is well, and that one day we will blossom into all that God intends for us. This is a huge motivating element to know that our future, our eternity is secure. I am sympathetic to those who view the world in such a temporal (now) moment and don’t really consider or care about what happens after they die, but I stand here and challenge those people to get off their butt and, make a move towards God, eat their pride, examine their hearts, get help, and get connected to God, because their very eternal existence depends on it. It’s more than a simple decision; it might be a lifestyle change. I know there are people unwilling to change certain habits, and when you are stripped of all those habits and lifestyle issues that are not aligned with God, then how deep do you go? Aligning yourself with God takes action, and the wonderful thing about moving in this direction is that you will not be alone because Jesus will be there to help you. The very Spirit of God will transform you and change you from the inside out and that should not be scary or even a tough decision, because think about it….God has an interest in you, He has from the very beginning, and all you have to do is say, “yes”.

Ok, unapologetically, I took an evangelistic detour here, however; I think it’s really important so I wrote it. Back to this timeline and how relatively short our life is and how utterly unimaginable eternity is. To many, it’s unknown what happens to us after we die, even as a Christian I don’t know exactly what it will be like, but I do know I will be with God and I will transform from a seedling, sprout and grow into the individual my current pea brain cannot imagine. I have often wondered if any of the skills we develop while we are here on earth will translate into our existence in eternity. If we are a leader on earth will we use leadership skills in eternity? What will the economy of “skills” be like in eternity? I have also thought that perhaps what really transfers with us in eternity is our character…it’s tough to visualize what part of us will translate into eternity, however, I think our love for God and our love of our friends and family will continue. This element of “love” seems to be a really important part of eternity, which will endure. Love is supposed to be an unselfish act, where we hope for someone else to be all that they can be. Who do you love and why? Now take that experience, that feeling, that act of love and if you could magnify and amplify it a million times within yourself, that might be a glimpse into what it will be like in heaven…and not just for a moment, but for eternity. Our pea brains have a difficult time conceptualizing this, however; I think it’s important to try the best we can to pursue this exercise on occasion, so we better understand our place in this world, or more accurately this eternal universe.

I propose that we shed the existential presumption that we are here alone as a seedling apart from the whole universe and embrace our eternal position connected to God. We are all “connected” to God, because He thought of us, created us before our parents even thought of conceiving us. But we have a choice whether we want to jump into the flow and alignment of God or not. It’s a simple yes or no decision. If you could decide who you wanted to spend eternity with, would you choose those who hate you, are uninterested in you or don’t know you? Now look at it from God’s perspective…He gave you life and loves you, and sent His son Jesus to die for you as a bridge and a way to connect with you, but if you don’t care, are uninterested, or hate God, do you think God wants to spend eternity with you? Unfortunately there are people who choose not to jump into the flow with God, and the consequences of this will be an eternity separated from God. It sounds harsh, however; God made the rules, we either believe it or we don’t.

As Christians, how can we capitalize on this concept that we are seedlings destined to blossom and become enveloped in God’s eternity? Sound the whistle, beat the drums, jump in the flow and align ourselves with God. Be an active seedling by pursuing God. Realize that we are all on a winning team, lift up our team members, recruit more team members, and especially recruit our friends and family that we would love to spend eternity with. This flowing current is strong, let’s try and get as many seedlings germinated as we can so they too can be swept away with God. As you ponder the concept of being a seedling, if you surround yourself with others who are also about to blossom, don’t underestimate what God will do within you. As a Christian and someone who has been germinated, allow God to unleash within you His power and love. With this spark of God in our lives, our imaginations, and potentials are unlimited. Wouldn’t it be cool to begin to blossom before we enter eternity? I’m not sure if it’s possible, but if we choose to think it is, perhaps we could surprise a lot of people or ourselves, and shed a bright light in a dark world.