I'm quite amazed that professional, elected, high-profile politicians like Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer, and basically about 40 senators on the democrat side of the isle, would knowingly and blatantly pursue a smear campaign on an American citizen, based entirely on a lie. I'm talking about a
letter that was written and signed by 40 democrats from Harry Reid's office to the CEO of Clear Channel Communications, Mark Mays against Rush Limbaugh. Now the reason I find this so amazing is that I happened to hear the comments in question that Rush made live on his radio show, and it is so blatantly obvious that his comments were taken WAY out of context, which makes the actions of these senators highly dishonest and somewhat devious. Additionally, this smear tactic against Rush Limbaugh seems to have a strategic agenda, specifically generated by these liberal democrats to sway the opinion of Americans into thinking Rush is anti-U.S. Troops, or that Rush is against ANY troops who don't agree with the war in Iraq. This is so far from the truth that it's comical. Here's what happened in a nutshell: Rush was speaking to a caller who was talking about a guy who faked that he was a soldier who went to Iraq and saw numerous atrocities being committed towards Iraqi citizens by American troops. Now this particular guy didn't even complete boot camp, he never went to Iraq...this is a fact...and he has been lying that he was a soldier in Iraq and saw all these terrible things. The democrats, who are opposed to the war in Iraq embraced this guy (lier) because of his fake story, and because it supported their agenda for America to lose the Iraq war. Rush was talking about this particular guy only whose name is
Jesse MacBeth and said that He (MacBeth) was a "phony soldier" which it has been proven in a court of law that he WAS lying about his status as a soldier. So Rush's comments were taken WAY out of context and a strategy to smear the conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh was put into place by the democrats in the senate lead by Senator Harry Reid of Nevada. WHY, I ask you....would anyone support these senators who would construct this smear and dishonestly and knowingly LIE to the American people? If they lie about something like this, how do we know they are not lying about a great number of other things that are of greater importance to the American people? From DAY ONE the democrats, along with their allies the Media, have been smearing President Bush and trying to bend the masses' perceptions of our president...how many of these smear tactics were based on lies or taken out of context? I'm not saying there are not republicans who have lied too, but just look at this disgusting outright lie these democrats have been caught in and think to yourself, what is happening to our world, our ethics, has all morality been chucked-out the window?
I think what Rush Limbaugh has done with this letter is absolutely brilliant! He is auctioning off this letter on EBay and donating the proceeds to the Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation...and ALSO, Rush is going to Match whatever funds are raised. Now what's really entertaining is that Rush has challenged, and asked the democrats who signed this letter to also match whatever funds are raised so that every penny goes to this charitable military organization. Do you think the democrats will ever fork out their money to match these funds raised? I don't think so, because they detest the military and they hate Rush, and to donate to this charity would cause the democrats to admit they were wrong which they will never do. I included a link to the actual signed letter above, so you can read it for yourself. What is truly scary, is that three of those who signed that letter are running for President of the United States of America. I know many have said they think President Bush lied to Americans about weapons of mass destruction, but I challenge ANYONE to prove that our president ever lied about anything to Americans. It cannot be done, because this perception that President Bush lied was put together by the democrats trying to smear the president. The democrats have been flat out caught in a lie and a false smear tactic - the lie is on record - ask yourself, "What else have they lied to YOU about"?
**Update** The Ebay auction for Senator Reid's rediculous letter falsely trying to character assasinate Rush Limbaugh finally raised over two million dollars, and Rush even matched it so the total donation is over FOUR MILLION dollars! How has HarrY Reid responded? He has tried to take credit on the senate floor for the fact that the letter raised so much money, and he insinuated that he was in on it all and congratulates Rush Limbaugh for the massive donation which he said was for a great cause. Here is a link to an article written by David Limbaugh who is a writer, an author, and an attorney, and Rush's brother:
Read his article about this whole democrat scam If you are a democrat reading this and a friend of mine, I'm sorry if you are angry with me for posting this, but it's not me you should be angry with, you really should be angry with your party in the senate for such character failure. What I have reported here is the truth and sometimes the truth hurts.